About us


Think of us as strategy architects who are client-focused in supporting organizations create dynamic market-responsive strategies. As strategy facilitators, we bring together the best method frameworks, processes, experts, and facilitation tools available for strategic planning. We lay a solid foundation from which your organization may advance its strategic position.


How? Our work centers on strategy facilitation expertise, which is the science of guiding leadership teams and groups through a process of conducting strategic planning. This has many advantages for

clients. One of the most important is as certified strategy process experts, we are also well qualified to serve as strategy consultants to gather information and advise on matters of strategic thinking and execution.


Urbanomics is a boutique strategy facilitation and leadership development consultancy, specializing in strategic management. We believe our size is a competitive advantage. It has taught us to value RESPONSIVENESS in meeting client needs. It also reaffirms our belief that partnering on RESPONSIBILITY is part of our clients’ success. Simply put, our client organizations return because we are effective and efficient at delivering agreed-to RESULTS.